OIA Key Achievements in March

March 1-3, 2023

At the invitation of Hanyang University in South Korea, our principal attended the inauguration ceremony of the 16th President Lee Ki-Jung. Our president Lucia S Lin, was the only representative of overseas academic partners to give a speech. Through this visit, our school will officially sign a cooperation agreement with Hanyang University, opening a collaborative relationship between the two schools.

與李校長合影 林校長致詞 就職典禮一隅
Take a photo with Principle Lee Ki-jung Principal Lin is giving a speech A glimpse of the inauguration ceremony

March 3,2023

Received a visit from Karson Tsai of JPTIP to learn about resources to assist with studying abroad and internships in Japan.

致贈錦旗合影 交流及討論
Offer a pennant as a gift Discussion and interaction

March 6, 2023

Mr. Tristan Harding, the representative of the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM) from Australia together with the English Department of our school to discuss recruiting English Department students for studying abroad.

Group photo with the professor and students from the English department

March 7, 2023

Received a visit from the international director of EUHT StPOL, Antonella Lucca, and two others from the University of Girona in Spain to discuss study abroad and internship programs.

A photo taken with the international director of EUHT StPOL

March 8, 2023

Reception of Hiroshi Huang, International Director/Professor of the University of Fukuchiyama, Japan, to discuss matters regarding the summer study tour to Taiwan.

交換禮品 與國際交流組合影
Present exchange A group photo taken in front of the office of OIA

March 8, 2023

A group of high school students from Okinawa, Japan visited our Department of Cosmetic Science, and received campus tours and consultation on studying abroad in Taiwan with the assistance of the department head, Japanese teachers, and students from our university. On the same day, members of the Okinawa Board of Education visited our university to discuss matters related to Taiwan-Japan educational exchange, future international student recruitment, and collaborative partnerships.

沖繩高校生來訪-參觀本校化科系 與藏根 美智子委員合影
Japanese students visited our Department of Cosmetic Science Group photo with members of the Okinawa Board of Education

March 8-13, 2023

Receiving Professor Mitsuhiro Mita and Discussing the Chinese Language Education Center and the Summer Program for Japanese Woman’s University Students.

華語文教學中心合影 華語文教學中心觀課
Group photo in front of the Chinese Language Education Center Lesson observation in the Chinese Language Education Center
交流與討論 國際交流組合影
Discussion A group photo taken in front of the office of OIA